*For our newest line of controllers with Modbus connectivity, expanded ramp and soak programs, universal inputs, and simple PC programming, visit our CNPT Series.*
The OMEGA™ CNi32 is the iSeriescontroller in the extremely compactand increasingly popular 1/32 DIN size(22.5 x 45 mm cutout). The CNi32 isthe most sophisticated and accurateinstrument available in the small1/32 DIN package, yet is still easyto configure.
The CNi32 handles morethermocouple, RTD, processvoltage and current inputs thanany other 1/32 DIN controller.
The CNi32 is the first 1/32 DINcontroller with built-in excitationfor transmitters or other devices,24 Vdc @ 25 mA.
The CNiS32 has built-in excitationfor bridge transducers, 5 Vdc @40 mA or 10 Vdc @ 60 mA. Whencommunications options areinstalled, external excitation maybe used and ratiometric operationmaintained by connecting theexternal excitation to the senseleads. Both 4- or 6-wire bridgeconfigurations are supported forinternal or external excitation.Non-ratiometric operation is supportedfor voltage and current transducersand is also valuable in measuringoffset and millivolt output of bridgedevices during manufacturing andcalibration. This model also features10-point linearization which allowsthe user to linearize the signalinput from extremely nonlineartransducers of all kinds.
The CNi32 introduces a number ofunique features not yet found on anyother 1/32 DIN instrument. The CNi32is the first 1/32 DIN controller with atotally programmable display thatcan change color between GREEN, AMBER, or RED at any setpointor alarm point. The unique 9-segmentLED characters greatly improvesalphanumeric representations.
The CNi32 is the first 1/32 DINcontroller offering 2 SPDT Form Crelays, instead of the single throwrelays on typical 1/32 DIN controllers.
The CNi32 is the first to offerboth RS232 and RS422/485 serialcommunications in 1 instrument(C24 option). ASCII protocol is selectablefrom the menu. If Modbus is required, we recommend our latest Platinum controllers - CNPT Series.